Call with your smallest sudden question, or toughest PC virus. We will fix and maintain your computer as we do our own. $240 annually includes all PC operating system maintenance, performance optimization, and virus & malware removal. There is never an additional fee of any kind.
  • Unlimited telephone and remote desktop support
  • Regain the stability, speed, and performance of your computer
  • Unlimited Telephone Support
  • ALL (unlimited) support issues you might encounter are covered
  • This maintenance plan covers five (5) desktop/laptop, home or
    officce, computers for an annual fee of $192
  • Virus, malware, spyware protection and removal
  • Multi-check-point system maintenance and optimization
  • System operations, software, and hardware consultation
Since January, 1993, We have been providing computer systems administration services. If you prefer, We will explain how a problem developed so a repeat occurance can be avoided. Instead of making a living off of the same repeated computer problems, We use permanent solutions. Neither you or we have time for the same, or similar, problems over and over.

We repair, explain, and protect your computer. We handle every PC issue including, but not limited to, software, networking, hardware, anti-virus, malware, spyware, and web-spam protection, data backup and restore, internet, email, online collaboration, social networking, educational learning, tutorials, training, and more.

On a wide range of topics, We provide tutorial help and instruction via remote desktop connection to your computer. From how to filter and organize your email to doing your own custom-build PC, We can provide instruction and training.

10 am to 4 pm eastern
Monday through Friday
Always courteous and friendly. No problem or question is too small.

Multi-check-point system with a focus on updates, optimization, and security.

Annual fee covers all support issues, including virus and malware cleaning.